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Sanur Executive Lounge Review Denpasar-DPS Domestic Terminal – Bali, Indonesia

Sanur Executive Lounge Review Denpasar-DPS Domestic Terminal – Bali, Indonesia

by jeffreyJanuary 25, 2016
This entry is part [part not set] of 20 in the series Honeymoon: Bali/Maldives




After an amazing 5 days around Bali (visiting Seminyak, Kuta and Ubud), it was time to head to our next destination: Jakarta, Indonesia. After leaving the Villa Semana in Ubud, we went to the Domestic Terminal at Ngurah Rai International Airport — 22 miles and a little over one hour’s drive away.


We were dropped off at the curb, then we made our way through the airport and check-in:


Entrance of Bali’s new airport


Good fun dealing with Air Asia and their baggage policies...

Good fun dealing with Air Asia and their baggage policies… we had to unpack and repack our bags at check in.

Watch out, while extending our stay in Bali sounds attractive, I don't think the same would hold true if it was in quarantine

Watch out, while extending our stay in Bali sounded attractive, I don’t think the same would hold true if it were in quarantine


As we made our way through the domestic terminal, we quickly realized that tourists made up a tiny minority of inter-Indonesia air travel. Of the thousands of people traveling that day, just a handful looked to be tourists. Jakarta is definitely not on most tourists’ destination list.


Sanur Executive Lounge
(NOTE: This lounge was in the old domestic terminal which is now closed. The new domestic terminal, open September 2014, is 4x the size.)


We made it to the lounge and, as expected, were able to enter using Priority Pass.

The first thing we noticed was how small the lounge was and that it was absolutley crammed with people. It look pretty fricken miserable.


It eventually started to clear out a bit but it was still quite crowded



Also, on a quick pass the food looked rather sketchy. The only item that appeared to be a safe bet from dying of some foodborne illness was a mango/cheese sandwich.


After closer inspection, the food actually turned out to be quite good and the lounge quickly began to redeem itself.

We sampled two types of Balinese cakes, a rice and chicken dish wrapped in a banana leaf, a chicken and curry stew with rice, something called “Single sausage” with a very weird consistency. In total there were 4 desserts and 4 hot dishes.


While we ate, lounge attendants continually came by trying to sell us 30 minutes massages for about $6.50.

BOTTOM LINE: Not worth the extra fee to get a guest in ($25 with Priority Pass) but it was nice to get out of the hustle and bustle of the main terminal which was PACKED.

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