So, Father’s Day is just around the corner and, if you’re like me, you’re buying your dad’s gift…tomorrow…hopefully…?
If you’re still at a loss for what to get Dear Old Dad, here’s a few travel-inspired gifts that won’t break the bank.
I have been dying for a globe – and my guess is that dads would like this, too: to sit on his desk and spin when he’s bored, or daydream (do dads daydream?) about where to travel next.
I like this globe because it’s more muted than other globes I’ve seen, and the off-white ocean color seems a bit more Dad-ish than a bright blue. I’ve seen [...]
We’re leaving early tomorrow morning and coming back Sunday night, for a full two days and one night in the city! [...]
Having just earned my Starwood Platinum status for the first time, I was curious to see which (if any) programs would match my status. I learned from this thread on Flyertalk that Hyatt will give you a status “challenge” and match you to Hyatt Diamond status if you can prove that you are:
Marriott Gold/Platinum Starwood Platinum Hilton HHonors Gold/Platinum Priority Club Rewards Platinum EliteUPDATE Oct 3, 2013 Note: As reader PrateekJain2012 points out, you must have at least one stay with your current chain in the past 12 months of be accepted into the challenge. For example, if you earned Hilton Gold status solely from the [...]
This weekend, I’m helping to host a fun engagement party for one of my very best friends! It’s going to be so much fun getting together with a lot of our college friends, and getting to see Becca (the bride!) is always the best!
But, staying in town means that we’re not going on a fun trip. So, for weekends like these, when time is spent relaxing with friends and not traipsing around the world, it’s fun to have reminders of travel all around.
That’s why my weekend pick this weekend is goods from Rifle Paper Company, one of the best paper product lines that I’ve found.
I have their 2013 Cities Calendar hanging at my desk and [...]
So, I had an awesome Memorial Day weekend trip planned to surprise McCown to St. Kitts & Nevis:
But, I learned that I had to cancel very last minute due to a family emergency. In the days of cheap flights, hotels and cheap awards, cancellation and change policies have been getting stricter and stricter. When I learned that I wouldn’t be able to go, I just knew that there was no hope of getting any of the reservations refunded because it was so close to the date of departure (as in 12 hours before we were set to depart). Despite my pessimism, I started making the calls to see if a phone rep might have a little mercy and help me out. All told, I expected to be [...]
Note: A lot of info in this post refers to the 35% transfer bonus between AMEX Membership Rewards and British Airways Avios that runs until June 7, 2013. More info here: Deal Blitz Alert: 35% Transfer Bonus from AMEX to British Airways Avios. If you’re reading after June 7, 2013 you can still get some great value out of your Avios miles.
British Airways/Iberia Avios miles are [glossy term=”distance based awards”] distance based awards: on the surface, it seems like you’re getting a bad deal on award redemptions. But, as with anything involving miles, it opens up possibilities to find great values on non-stop short distance flights.
One partner [...]