Monticello, located in Charlottesville, Virginia, is the perfect escape for a morning or afternoon. You can’t beat the Virginia countryside and the tour of the home itself is a can’t-miss. The house is located at the top of the mountain, so you’ll park at the base and buy your tickets, then a shuttle will drive you the final few minutes. That being said, be sure to get there in time to park, purchase your tickets and then make your shuttle for the 10-15 minute drive … so, don’t arrive just 10 minutes before the last tour of the day at 4:10pm.
If you’re just interested in the basics, the Monticello Day Pass and House Tour is the one for you [...]
First installment of Jeffrey’s Weekend Pick (because McCown is lazy): Has the Polar Vortex version 2.0 got you down?
While the snow has stopped, it sounds like the damage has been done and the frigid temperatures are here to stay. Our suggestion for the weekend? A weekend trip to hit the ski slopes now that they’ve all been coated with feet and feet of fresh powder! Here are the ski slopes that were best affected by the winter weather:
West Virginia fared exceptionally well in this lineup (that’s the first–and last– time I’ll ever say that WV fared well at something). Take a look at the map, at least 3 resorts are less than a [...]
201 E Main St, Charlottesville, VA Latin American $$$ – Entrees $19-27
We were in Charlottesville not so long ago and really loved exploring the area. The city, like Charleston, has plenty of historical sites and also a fun, “hip” scene, too. We spent a lot of time window shopping along the Downtown Mall, and decided there was no better place to have dinner than there.
Zocalo is located right on the main pedestrian street with a huge outdoor patio. Fall is the perfect time for the patio so we waited a few minutes for a table then sat right down for some people watching.
One look at the menu, and Jeffrey and I [...]
Just bought a new toy that lets me take aerial video, check out some of the samples from our trip to Virginia last week! Hopefully many more videos to come….
UVA and Charlottesville, Virginia
South Holston Dam near Bristol, Tennessee